South Korea’s financial regulator boosts efforts for fair trading in capital markets
Penalty surcharges and boosting early detection systems are amongst the solutions.
In a conference held by South Korea’s Financial Services Commission (FSC) along with other institutions, it was identified that unfair trade practices remained prominent amongst the capital markets.
The joint conference, with the Financial Supervisory Service, the Korea Exchange and Seoul Southern District Prosecutors’ Office, concluded how unruly trading activities damaged overall system.
Discourses made by heads of the institutions were on diversifying sanctions, ramping up early detection efforts, managing stock price manipulation cases, and the general status of unjust trading.
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Further, its judicial entity will address the segments by forming a joint investigation team, pursuing regulatory improvements, and a penalty surcharge.
“Authorities will make utmost efforts to root out unfair trading activities and help to restore fairness and trust in capital markets. Authorities will also actively review ways to improve the current response system for unfair trading activities in capital markets after gathering wide-ranging opinions from academia and relevant sectors.” the SFC said in a release.