Investment Banking

RBI clarifies rule on ODIs

Confusion arising from existing and new regulations.

RBI clarifies rule on ODIs

Confusion arising from existing and new regulations.

PBOC Monetary Policy Committee names five new members

Will help advise on China’s monetary policies.

Regional funds passport program to be implemented

To be piloted by Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and South Korea.

How a 'hard landing' could hurt Chinese banks

Fears rise over credit quality deterioration.

Minsheng Bank's shares sold at high premium

Institutional investors buy 100 million shares.

Moody's tags Wing Hang Bank's stake sales as 'credit negative'

Purchase likely to weaken its standalone liquidity profile.

Indian banks bolstered by new US$5 billion swap facility

It’s a huge help in their overseas fundraising.

Will UBS quit its investment banking business in India?

Resignation of managing director fueling speculation.

UBS Japan fined US$100 million over LIBOR fixing

US says UBS traders wanted to get rich quick.

Citigroup appoints Valentin Garger as head of financial institutions group

Formerly managing director of the financial institutions group in Europe.

Philippines’ ChinaBank takes majority ownership in Plantersbank

ChinaBank will acquire of two-thirds of Plantersbank’s shares.

China moves closer to establishing municipal bond market

Two firms to issue credit ratings of local governments.